Yoga Nidra:

Experience and learn to share the potential of this sacred practice.

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Additional Livestream Dates: June 7th, 21st and 28th

Yoga nidra is less about deep rest and more about entering the state beyond waking, dreaming and deep sleep.

On its surface, yoga nidra is a systematic approach to access the deepest rest––making it an unsurpassed gateway into physical and mental healing and renewal. However, deep rest is only the beginning of this ancient practice.

Created and led by Rod Stryker, one of the world‘s preeminent experts in the practice of yoga nidra, this course is a theoretical and experiential immersion in which we draw from its traditional roots, modern science, Vedic scripture and the latest research––all of which can lead to your mastery of this sublime practice. 

To transmit the full breadth of yoga nidra, you must not only understand the practice but be intimate with the state. 

Our curriculum guides you through the essential principles of yoga nidra and then turns its focus on its deeper states and how to enter them.

Become versed in our tradition-based approach to the practice–– emphasizing five distinct aims and templates.

Throughout the course you will increasingly experience the actual state of yoga nidra. You will also learn the foundations to authentically transmit it. Your study will include:

  • Preparation for yoga nidra
  • Healing and yoga nidra
  • Keys for transformation
  • The role of self-inquiry
  • The science of Sanklpa––the power of resolve
  • Yoga nidra as a spiritual practice


If you are looking for information on the Yoga Nidra Certification Program Click Here.

After this course...

  • You have a profound understanding of yoga nidra and can transmit it. 
  • You are able to convey the "essence of yoga nidra."
  • You can lead yoga nidra practices for specific outcomes. 
  • You’ve stepped into the role of teacher, not just instructor. 
  • You impact the way people feel and see themselves, and the world.
  • Your classes lead students into the state of yoga nidra. 
  • You can guide yourself through the practice of yoga nidra. 
  • You are inspired and an authoritative voice for yoga nidra. 
  • You help your students meet their lives fully.
  • You stand out. You are exceptional.  You love teaching.

Yoga Nidra: Enlightened Sleep

With this course you can be an exceptional yoga nidra teacher.

By the end of Yoga Nidra: Enlightened Sleep, you'll know how to:

Design Intentional Practices

Choose from any one of five unique yoga nidra templates to specifically address your or your student's needs.

Apply Ancient Wisdom
for Transformation

Skillfully make the most profound insights about yoga nidra accessible, and share it in ways that covey the potential of the practice––creating the most transformative experiences.

Guide Holistic Yoga
Nidra Sessions

Use your voice to lead others into the subtle, energetic and spiritual aspects of the practice, making its most elevated states more effortless.

My Approach...

I led my first teacher training in 2002. Within a decade the widespread popularity of yoga would arrive. Before long, countless varieties of “Yoga Teacher Trainings” would proliferate. In my eyes, many of yoga's most profound elements were being lost: its philosophical framework, meditative and contemplative roots, essentially, yoga as a holistic and comprehensive approach to total wellbeing. 

Witnessing its many "modern" adaptations, I became even more committed to sharing what I had learned and what had touched me so deeply about the practice. I dedicated myself to share and train those who wished to understand––and potentially teach––yoga in a tradition-based approach that, at the same time, was accessible, powerful and most relevant. To those ends, it was essential to train teachers who prioritized being exceptional practitioners first, in other words, to ensure that they embodied what they aspired to teach.

I was privileged to meet and train many extraordinary individuals who, I would watch grow into extraordinary teachers. They collectively helped me understand that teaching was indeed, alchemy.

Every authoritative teacher is necessarily unique. Each is an amalgam, a dynamic blend of distinct life experiences, personal practice, deep study of time-tested knowledge and methodology, all in the melting pot of sustained personal growth. All of it is the necessary alchemy––of what distinctly confers authority onto a teacher.

This is the ethos at the heart of Tantra Yoga Alchemy's courses and trainings.

Rod Has Been Featured In
What You'll Discover

This is what is inside Yoga Nidra

Module One

Foundations of Yoga Nidra


This module explores the fundamental concepts and practices of Yoga Nidra, providing a comprehensive introduction to this powerful meditative technique.

Module Two

History & Modern Science


This module delves into the historical roots and scientific understanding of Yoga Nidra, bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary research.

Module Three

The Mind


This module examines the intricate workings of the mind during Yoga Nidra, offering insights into its therapeutic potential.

Module Four

The Power of Resolve


This module focuses on the transformative power of intention in Yoga Nidra, exploring the concept of Sankalpa (intention or resolve) and its role in personal growth.


Module Five

Integration & Application


This module looks at the practical applications and broader implications of Yoga Nidra in modern life, offering a deeper understanding of consciousness and reality.


All Courses Include:

  • Comprehensive video lectures translate complex topics into user-friendly language.
  • Watch and learn with dynamic visual demonstrations.
  • Learn from a master teacher in the comfort of your home. 
  • Bring the teachings onto your mat and into your experience through asana and meditation practices.
  • Extensive and detailed manual, filled with in-depth illustrations supporting documents and images
  • Lectures, practices and specific assignments, all of which have been meticulously organized to progressively lead you through the course.

Yoga Nidra


  • 30+ hours of content
  • Lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion
  • Yoga Alliance CEUs
  • Invites to livestream Q&As

Entire 300-Hour Program


  • Includes: All courses in The Fundamentals plus Koshas, Yoga Nidra, Luminous Heart & Art and Science of Meditation
  • Lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion
  • Yoga Alliance Accreditation
  • Invites to livestream Q&As

Kind Words


“Enlightened Sleep is deeply transformational.  When the constrictions of breath and body and the stains of the mind dissolve, we can see clearly. When the source of suffering is revealed by our Soul and higher mind, we can plant the seeds of new ideas in the fertile field of consciousness."


“Gave Me Hope…”

“Yoga Nidra gave me hope. When I began my deeper study of Yoga Nidra I was entangled in a mentally and emotionally difficult time in my life. Initially Nidra helped me relax and calm my anxiety. Then, as I began to study it further I had an
experience where I innately knew that I was connected to the cosmos.”


“A Process...”

“While I had studied the practices of Yoga Nidra in the past, they always seemed to be just a useful tool of relaxing the body and mind sometimes even an excuse to take what I thought of as a holier version of a nap. Only now [did I begin] to realize it as more of a process of shaking up our stubborn certainty of our separateness." 


Frequently Asked Questions

Some final thoughts...


Yoga Nidra: Enlightened Sleep captures the depth and potential of this modality. It has been carefully developed as a synergistic blend of theory and practice, supporting materials, quizzes and various assignments. 

Lectures and nine different guided yoga nidra practices are organized to help you fully integrate the content. Our focus is on the essential insights of the ancient wisdom and translating them into practical knowledge that you can use to create exceptional classes. A downloadable manual provides additional supportive study content.

Each practice session deepens your understanding of the steps necessary for entering the state of yoga nidra.

Throughout the course, you will be able to easily locate a given practice and repeat it again and again. 

Automated quizzes have been placed strategically throughout, allowing you to assess your comprehension of the main study points. A final assignment encapsulates the entirety of the course. The required reading assignment, Enlightenment without God: Mandukua Upanishad by Swami Rama, helps you to further your mastery of the program’s concepts.

After successful completion of the course, including all quizzes, assignments and required reading, you are eligible for curriculum credit towards our Yoga Alliance approved 300-hour Training Program. We are here to guide and support you on your journey.

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