
The lectures and course materials of this course––including, outlines, specific processes, handouts and manuals, tests, and similar materials––are protected by U.S. copyright law. Rod Stryker is the exclusive owner of the copyright of these materials. You may take notes and make copies of course materials for your own use. We understand and want to support your wish to share any or all of the content and experiences of this course. However, doing so without explicit permission is one, inconsistent with principles of Yoga (see: satya, asteya, and aparigraha) as well as Intellectual Property (IP) law.

With regards to sharing these teachings and concepts in the future, please be aware of the concept of "Substantial Similarity” ––a key determiner in the application of intellectual property disputes. Substantial Similarity is based on a question: whether or not the average listener can tell that course content being shared has been copied from the other. The more elements two works have in common, the more likely they are to be ruled substantially similar––and that the latter work is in violation. Please be advised that utilizing titles, names, similar organization of the information, grouped or collated concepts and other teachings without permission or citation is considered a copyright violation.

By signing up for this course, you acknowledge that you have read the above and thus, agree to not reproduce, distribute, display (post/upload) or repurpose lecture notes, course content, course outlines, or recordings in any other way––whether or not a fee is charged–––without the express, written consent from Rod Stryker. You also may not allow others to do so.